Evolutionary psychology and science: The full error list

The appendix of Frey includes a list of errors based on evolutionary psychology (EP) – some acquired during development of our species, some acquired during individual ontogenesis. It is certainly the best what I have read since the famous study biases by Spilker – certainly a nice enterprise to match both lists and answering the question how any EP error leads to a study error.

Here it comes – and I already excuse for errors that I may have introduced during backtranslation:

  1. Persistent first hypothesis
  2. Perseverance on opinions
  3. Missing attempts to falsify
  4. Ignoring controversial facts
  5. Blindness for own errors
  6. Biased expectations
  7. Exaggerated tendency for pattern recognition
  8. “Ghost” causality, overinterpretation of weak correlations
  9. Classification errors by similiarity
  10. Framing effect: Ignoring contexts
  11. Anchor effect: Irrelevant starting point
  12. Overgeneralization
  13. Assuming simplicity in a complex system
  14. Reduction of complexity ny ignoring interaction and feedback
  15. Networks treated as independent subnets
  16. Reduction of complexity assuming linear relationships
  17. Assuming state instead of process
  18. Problem priority by ostensible conspicuousness instead of importance
  19. Treating problems with methods of own discipline only
  20. Linear extrapolation of associations
  21. Insufficient control of posthoc developments
  22. Use of strong heuristical filtering and radical break conditions

The book is a must read for every scientist; it has a lot of practical examples and receipts how to avoid these errors.
Selected links: confirmation bias | other bias | research conduct | EP | essays