Category Archives: Noteworthy

Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them

The exact wording of  the quote is unclear while here are the two closest readings.

Bertrand Russell in My Philosophical Development (1959)

When you say ‘the cat is a carnivorous animal’, you do not mean that actual cats eat actual meat, but only that in zoology books the cat is classified among carnivora. These
authors tell us that the attempt to confront language with fact is ‘metaphysics’ and is on this ground to be conndemned. This is one of those views which are so absurd that only very learned men could possibly adopt them.

George Orwell in Notes on Nationalism (1945)

There is no limit to the follies that can be swallowed if one is under the influence of feelings of this kind. I have heard it confidently stated, for instance, that the American troops had been brought to Europe not to fight the Germans but to crush an English revolution. One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.

Die DFG ist keine demokratische Einrichtung

Roland Reuss und Volker Rieble schon vor über 10 Jahren in der FAZ

Fördert die mächtige Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) den Ideenklau und die Selbstbedienung? Transparenz ist für sie ein Fremdwort. Dieses Monopol ist bedenklich …
Sie erhält Geld vom Staat, jedes Jahr etwa 2,5 Milliarden Euro. Dieses Geld verteilt sie an Forscher und Forschungseinrichtungen, vor allem für die Förderung von Forschungsprojekten. Daneben nimmt sie mit Geld Einfluss auf die Forschungsstruktur …
Zentrale Entscheidung ist die Gutachterauswahl. Sie wird von der Geschäftsstelle der DFG in Bonn vorgenommen, letztlich selbstmächtig durch den Fachreferenten – und ist geheim. Nach welchen Maßstäben die Gutachterauswahl erfolgt, ob es Sperren für Missliebige und Unzuverlässige gibt oder ob bestimmte Gutachter besonders häufig zum Einsatz kommen, das alles ist unbekannt….
Externe Kontrolle findet praktisch nicht statt.

Als Verein des bürgerlichen Rechts unterliegt die DFG auch keiner Auskunftspflicht nach  Informationsfreiheitsgesetz ( IFG ) genausowenig wie die GmbHs der Großforschungseinrichtungen – eine völlig inakzeptable Situation wie ich finde.

Was der Bundesrechnungshof von der DFG hält, kann man hier  nachlesen

How does AI recognize AI text

The Semrush blog has a nice summary

By analyzing two main characteristics of the text: perplexity and burstiness. In other words, how predictable or unpredictable it sounds to the reader, as well as how varied or uniform the sentences are.

Perplexity is

a statistical measure of how confidently a language model predicts a text sample. In other words, it quantifies how “surprised” the model is when it sees new data. The lower the perplexity, the better the model predicts the text.

Burstiness is

is the intermittent increases and decreases in activity or frequency of an event. One of measures of burstiness is the Fano factor —a ratio between the variance and mean of counts. In natural language processing, burstiness has a slightly more specific definition… A word is more likely to occur again in a document if it has already appeared in the document. Importantly, the burstiness of a word and its semantic content are positively correlated; words that are more informative are also more bursty.

Or lets call it entropy? So we now have some criteria

    • AI texts are more uniform and  more predictable and often repetitive with
    • lack of depth and personality
    • Sometimes plagiarism checker may recognize “learned” AI phrases. Sometimes reference checkers will find “hallucinated” references
    • Incorrect content and outdated information in contrast needs human experts
    • An obvious, yet underappreciated downside: “AI texts have nothing to say” – “clichéd nothingness“.

Well, there appear now also  AI prologue sentences in scientific literature for example like “Certainly! Here is…”

“Be less curious about people, but more curious about ideas”

(Maria Skłodowska-Curie).

When scientific conferences were more about facts than about the show: the first seven Solvay conferences

At the first Solvay Conference (1911), Curie (seated, second from right) confers with Henri Poincaré; standing nearby are Rutherford (fourth from right) and Albert Einstein (second from right). Source


404 errors reported by Nature

More than one-quarter of scholarly articles are not being properly archived and preserved, a study of more than seven million digital publications suggests. The findings, published in the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication on 24 January indicate that systems to preserve papers online have failed to keep pace with the growth of research output.
“Our entire epistemology of science and research relies on the chain of footnotes,” explains author Martin Eve, a researcher in literature, technology and publishing at Birkbeck, University of London. “If you can’t verify what someone else has said at some other point, you’re just trusting to blind faith for artefacts that you can no longer read yourself.”

Fortunately I save every PDF that I cite. But books may be gone at some time as I have to give them back to the library.

Or I my be gone?

Then it is gone.


A bug bounty program in science

I asked for that earlier [2019,2022] while only now this idea is being taken up, see screenshot 17-Feb-2023

The Bill Gates problem

The Bill Gates problem – billionaire philanthropists investing only in their own interests – is a real problem

Similarly restricted views exist in other areas, too. In the energy sector, for instance, Gates flouts comparative performance trends to back exorbitantly expensive nuclear power instead of much more affordable, reliable and rapidly improving renewable sources and energy storage. In agriculture, grants tend to support corporate-controlled gene-modification programs instead of promoting farmer-driven ecological farming, the use of open-source seeds or land reform. African expertise in many locally adapted staples is sidelined in favour of a few supposedly optimized transnational commodity crops.

On the hand, billionaires do not pay tax – which is adding even more weight to the Nature commentary. But what are the alternatives “tax the rich“? One remarkable woman is now showing how this could work – Marlene Engelhorn

Marlene Engelhorn, who is 31 and lives in Vienna, wants 50 Austrians to determine how €25m (£21.5m) of her inheritance should be redistributed. “I have inherited a fortune, and therefore power, without having done anything for it,” she said.
“And the state doesn’t even want taxes on it.”

Politische Meinung: Umso überzeugter umso geringer das Wissen

Epidemiologie hat eher wenig mit Politik zu tun, obwohl politische Überzeugungen unstrittig mit den Lebensumständen zusammenhängen. Um so mehr war ich doch überrascht, wie sehr die individuelle politische Einstellung bei COVID-19 die Infektionsraten und damit auch die Mortalität beeinflusst hat – siehe unsere Studie in ZRex, die es vor 3 Tagen nun sogar in den Bundestag geschafft hat.

Überrascht bin ich nun auch von einer neuen Studie in Sci Rep die politisches bzw historisches Wissen mit politischer Ausrichtung in Zusammenhang bringt.

Contrary to the dominant perspective, we found no evidence that people at the political extremes are the most knowledgeable about politics. Rather, the most common pattern was a fourth- degree polynomial association in which those who are moderately left-wing and right-wing are more knowledgeable than people at the extremes and center of the political spectrum.

Je extremer die Überzeugung um so weniger Ahnung? Das stimmt nur begrenzt für Deutschland obwohl es ein neuer SZ Artikel so vermuten lässt

Am besten informiert waren jene, die moderat nach links oder rechts tendierten. Ganz in der Mitte des politischen Flusses beobachteten die Forscher eine kleine Untiefe, auch hier war das Wissen eher flach.

Damit ist die arme Grafik des Artikels überinterpretiert.

Die Unterschiede sind allenfalls grenzwertig auf 0.05 Niveau signifikant, wobei auch fraglich ist ob denn die 0.05 Punkte Wissenszuwachs überhaupt relevant sind.

In anderen Ländern sieht die Situation allerdings komplett anders aus…

Data voids and search engines

An interesting Nature editorial reporting a recent study

A study in Nature last month highlights a previously underappreciated aspect of this phenomenon: the existence of data voids, information spaces that lack evidence, into which people searching to check the accuracy of controversial topics can easily fall…
Clearly, copying terms from inaccurate news stories into a search engine reinforces misinformation, making it a poor method for verifying accuracy…
Google does not manually remove content, or de-rank a search result; nor does it moderate or edit content, in the way that social-media sites and publishers do.

So what could be done?

There’s also a body of literature on improving media literacy — including suggestions on more, or better education on discriminating between different sources in search results.

Sure increasing media literacy at the consumer site would be helpful. But letting Google earn all that money without any further curation efforts? The original study found

Here, across five experiments, we present consistent evidence that online search to evaluate the truthfulness of false news articles actually increases the probability of believing them.

So why not putting out red flags? Or de-rank search results?

fake screen shot


Das Ende der Bachelorarbeit

ist wohl schon eingeleitet zumindest bei der Betriebswirtschaft in Prag, Zitat

Texte, die mit Künstlicher Intelligenz verfasst wurden sind kaum von menschlichen zu unterscheiden. Eine Prüfung sei für Unis deshalb nur sehr schwer möglich, sagt Dekan Hnilica.  “Wir haben andere Teile unseres Studiums, in denen die Studierenden ihre Lernergebnisse oder erwarteten Lernergebnisse nachweisen können. Daher ist die Bachelorarbeit überflüssig.”

Scientific integrity is not a weapon

Bill Ackman is threadening Harvard faculty on TwiX

In the near future AI will target every paper and not only a suspicious table or an image found by chance. Nevertheless using this now as a weapon seems to be immoral and is at high risk of false accusations that may be prosecuted as criminal defamations. Let’s see what happens to big mouthed  announcements…



GEO hatte im April eine nette Reportage “Achtung, Papierfischchen! Sie kommen mit der Post

Fotoalben, Akten, Tapeten, Bücher, Zeitungen – nichts und niemand ist vor den kleinen Papierfressern sicher. Alles wird angeknabbert. Papierfischchen, wissenschaftlich Ctenolepisma longicaudata, sind der Albtraum jedes Archivars und Buchhändlers.

Ich werde Kartons und Zeitungen also schneller entsorgen, gekaufte antiquarische Bücher genauer untersuchen und die Ausbreitungswege einschränken.

Bei Befall hilft dann wohl nur noch ein Biozid (wie Envira, eine Mischung von Permethrin und Prallethrin).