Tag Archives: interface

A R function creating 96 well plate sample assignment

Most recently I had to add forgotten data to a SQL server database that was in use only until 2010. Script language was Cold Fusion at that time creating a visual interface to 96 well plates where proband IDs are assigned to plate positions by drop down fields.

R doesn’t have any good way for formatted data entry. Some shiny apps would be helpful but a bit overkill here. Data export into a javascript framework would be also a more professional solution while I just needed only a quick way to modify my database.

So I came up with some R code producing html code embedding javascript functions that can export the result as SQL code, so a 4 language mixup.

96 well plate assignment
dataentry <- function(plate_id,city) {
# get orig IDs from database first

# position identifier A01, A02...
pos = NULL
for (i in 1:8) {
  pos = c(pos, paste0( rep( LETTERS[i], 12), str_pad( 1:12 ,2,pad="0" ) ) )
HTML <- paste('<html>
function download(filename, text) {
  var element = document.createElement("a");
  element.setAttribute("href", "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(text));
  element.setAttribute("download", filename);
  element.style.display = "none";
function saveValues() {
  var frm = document.getElementById("f");
  var params = "";
  var sample_id = ',sample_id,';
  for( var i=0; i<frm.length; i++ ) {
    var fieldId = frm.elements[i].id;
    var fieldValue = frm.elements[i].value;
    if (fieldValue) params += "INSERT INTO samples (plate_id,plate_position,patient_id) VALUES (',plate_id,'," + fieldId + "," + fieldValue + ")\\n";
<form id="f">')
# dropdowns
sel ='<option value=""></option>'
for (i in 1:dim(patients)[1]) {
  sel <- paste0(sel,'<option value=',patients[i,"patient_id"],'>',patients[i,"Orig_ID"],'</option>\n')
for (i in pos) {
  if (substr(i,2,3) == "01") HTML <- paste0(HTML,'<BR>')
  HTML <- paste(HTML,'<select id=',i,'>',sel,'</select>')
HTML <- paste(HTML,'</form>
<br><input name="save" type="button" value="SQL" onclick="saveValues(); return false"/>
sink( paste('plate.html') )

A catholic view of science

Following the protestantic view of science here are some thoughts that I found in the new book by Benedetto XVI aka Joseph Ratzinger “Jesus von Nazareth”. Rationality as divine gift? Yes, Benedict follows the Historical Critical Method but wants to reconcile it with revelation that is not accessible to logical arguments. While it is not a book on science Continue reading A catholic view of science