Tag Archives: rmarkdown

Rstudio, knitr (Rmarkdown2) and bash

I couldn’t find any example online how to revise my R code getting the exif data from pictures

fn <- c("/usr/local/bin/exiftool /Users/wjst/Desktop/white.tif")
info <- system(fn,inter=TRUE,wait=TRUE)

when moving now to knitr. So here is what worked for me as a replacement including the parsing
of exiftool output.

```{r, engine='bash', echo=FALSE}
/usr/local/bin/exiftool /Users/wjst/Desktop/white.tif >/Users/wjst/Desktop/white.txt
```{r Exif, echo=FALSE}
fn <- '/Users/wjst/Desktop/white.txt'
info <- paste(readLines(fn))
info <- strsplit(info,"[:]{1}[ ]{1}")
info <- matrix(data=unlist(info), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
info <- gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", info)
`r kable(info)`