Tag Archives: Rselenium

How to scrape a website with R II: WYSIWYG

Part II

Although Rselenium allows a screenshot of the current browser window

remDr <- remoteDriver(
  remoteServerAddr = "localhost",
  port = 4444,
  browserName = "Chrome"
remDr$screenshot(display = T) # remDr$screenshot(file="screen.jpg")

I found it extremely difficult to control a webbrowser running in a Docker container – looking up the DOM tree, injecting javascript etc is a lot of guess work.

So we need also a VNC server in the docker container as found at github.

After starting in the terminal

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 -p 5900:5900 -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm selenium/standalone-chrome:4.0.0-beta-1-prerelease-20210207

we can watch live at vnc:// what’s going on.