Tag Archives: single cell

New insights by single-cell genomics

Congress report Annual AGD Meeting 2018, Potsdam Oct. 5–6

Welcome and Opening of Symposium by  Peter Nürnberg, President of the AGD and Joachim L. Schultze, Chair of the Program Committee.

Joachim L. Schultze
Peter Nürnberg

The AGD meeting was interesting and a great primer for all of us who are not directly working with single cells.

Maybe it is an unusual research field – dissecting single cells in the first stage is not a trivial task. And single cell  means single cell experiment that can be replicated only in other cells. The current readout is  RNA content at a given time while genomics and proteomics still need to be integrated. Experiments cover mainly abundant RNAs and for cost reasons only the 3′ ends. The statistical analysis usually is a 2 dimensional PCA (known to overfit noise) so this not a trivial approach at all. Newly identified cell cluster need careful confirmation as addressed in the talk of Andreas Schlitzer.

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