Tag Archives: Raspberry

Glad to help

Raspberry Pis are small single-board computers. As I have two of these devices already up and logging solar power production on my roof they could do even more: They are not only supporting a green environment but can also help people from countries with repressive governments by installation of another software package.

Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers.


Setup takes only 2 minutes – full instructions are at kuketz-blog.de

# sudo apt-get install git
# sudo apt-get install golang
git clone https://git.torproject.org/pluggable-transports/snowflake.git
cd snowflake/proxy
go build
nohup /home/pi/snowflake/proxy/proxy > /home/pi/www/snowflake.log 2>&1 &;

and this is the result

2022/09/25 17:44:19 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 16 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 33 MB, @ 5 MB.
2022/09/25 18:44:19 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 27 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 170 MB, @ 48 MB.
2022/09/25 19:44:19 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 11 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 61 MB, @ 28 MB.
2022/09/25 20:44:19 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 19 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 90 MB, @ 27 MB.
2022/09/25 21:44:19 In the last 1h0m0s, there were 10 connections. Traffic Relayed ↑ 41 MB, @ 12 MB.