Face à Gaïa


Bruno Latour (* 22. Juni 1947 in Beaune; † 9. Oktober 2022 in Paris)

Jonas Salk in the foreword of “Laboratory Life – the Construction of Scientific Facts” 1986:

Scientists often have an aversion to what nonscientists say about science. Scientific criticism by nonscientists is not practiced in the same way as literary criticism by those who are not novelists or poets …  A love-hate relationship exists toward scientists in some segments of society. This is evident in accounts that deal with facets ranging from tremendously high expectations of scientific studies to their cost and their dangers—all of which ignore the content and process of scientific work itself …  For myself, it was interesting to have Bruno Latour in our institute, which allowed him to carry out the first investigation of this kind of which I am aware…

“Laboratory Life” focuses on the question how the objects of scientific study are socially constructed within the laboratory where they enter a “cycle of credibility” by accumulating recognition, honors, funding and prestige. But is there any truth or is this just a scientific culture remains an open question.