Tag Archives: latex

How to cite bookends references in LaTeX

attn: this is the chatGPT solution

In LaTeX, you can use the biblatex package along with a bibliography management tool like BibTeX … to manage your references. To cite references generated by Bookends, you would typically export your references from Bookends to a BibTeX (.bib) file and then include that file in your LaTeX document.

Here’s a general outline of how you can cite Bookends references in LaTeX using BibTeX:
1. Export your references from Bookends to a BibTeX (.bib) file.
2. Include the BibTeX file in your LaTeX document using \bibliography{your_bibliography_file}.
3. Cite the references in your document using \cite{} or \autocite{} commands, passing the citation key corresponding to each reference in your BibTeX file.


% Include your bibliography file

Some text \autocite{citation_key}.

% Your content here



Replace your_bibliography_file with the name of your BibTeX file (without the .bib extension), and replace citation_key with the citation key of the reference you want to cite.

After compiling your LaTeX document with the appropriate compiler (usually something like pdflatex followed by biber and then pdflatex again), LaTeX will automatically format the citations and generate the bibliography according to the style specified in your document.

Make sure to choose a citation style compatible with your field or publication requirements. You can specify the citation style in the \usepackage[style=…]{biblatex} command. Popular styles include apa, ieee, chicago, etc.

Pro Tipp: Next level OCR of academic documents

Reading of math documents into LaTeX involves a lot of typing while there is some support now by FB (Github)

pip install nougat-ocr
nougat path/to/file.pdf -o output_directory

How to publish your preprint

How to save hundreds of $$$ paying a predatory publisher: Use the preprint form at Github and create your own PDF that can be uploaded to OSF or any other preprint server for free.

brew install --cask vscodium
brew install --cask mactex

and continue with the instructions here…


Formula or extra character in Keynote

Some Mac users will know it for decades – the easiest way to set scalable formulas into your Keynote document is by having a small LaTeXit window.


Quickly type there what you need and drag it to the  Keynote window – here I needed a curly bracket }.