Tag Archives: publishing

Payback for referees

There is a recent letter at Nature saying

I have discovered a negative correlation between the number of papers that a scientist publishes per year and the number of times that that scientist is willing to accept manuscripts for review  … I therefore suggest that journals should ask senior authors to provide evidence of their contribution to peer review as a condition for considering their manuscripts.

While I agree with the overall observation, Continue reading Payback for referees

You are only as good as your last paper

Nature with his high rejection rate seems to deride us somewhat by publishing something like “Publish like a pro“. Their tips in the box, however, are excellent Continue reading You are only as good as your last paper

People are, in a sense, on stage

— a quote of a new FM article entitled “Looking for you” that sees blogs as a form fo self-presentation on the internet (blogs btw show a dramatic increase of 1,4 new blogs every second worldwide). I haven’t seen blogging activity so much as Continue reading People are, in a sense, on stage