RNA genes – dark matter of human biology?

I currently hunting some transcripts of unknown function (see below), possibly a RNA gene? while it is difficult to locate any good annotation server. So far I tried RNAz based on a PNAS 2005 paper – another one was RNA Genie. Next step will be the new Gingeras paper that describes even a new class of RNA genes. Finally this may not even be a RNA at all but an alternative leading exon … Continue reading RNA genes – dark matter of human biology?

Question of the year in genetics

Nature genetics asked about 30 eminent scientists “What would you do if it became possibe to sequence the human genome for only $1,000?”. Unfortunately, this initiative has been launched 4 weeks too early as I believe some may have responded differentially if they could have a chance to read the ENCODE papers… The majority of scientists seems to follow the idea of Continue reading Question of the year in genetics

spickmich & meinprof

spickmich.de (for high school) and meinprof.de (for universities) are two large German portal sites that allow a rating of teachers and university professors.
Finally, now several German courts decided that online voting is legal – I wouldn´t believe that 20 years ago but think it will improve teacher student relationship if done in a responsible way.

My linux box

When starting again analysis of pooled DNA samples – this time on the Affymetrix platform – I discovered not only the much improved “Genotyping Console” but also that my earlier Genepool binaries do not work anymore under VMWARE/Ubuntu. I therefore tried Continue reading My linux box

New DNA sequencing technologies

New DNA sequencing technologies & human genome variation, San Diego, HGVS Meeting (ASHG satellite). From the program

On the road to the € 1,000 human genome sequence, DNA sequencing technology is currently developing at an incredible speed. Although we are still far from the ultimate goal, DNA sequencing cost has already dropped close to the range of € 1,000 per 1 million nucleotides. These developments have tremendous consequences for the number of DNA variants that we will discover, both pathogenic and harmless. To get an up-to-date overview of the technologies behind this revolution, the HGVS has selected DNA sequencing technologies as this year’s special topic for its annual meeting. Speakers from the major players in the field have been invited to explain in detail the different technologies, their strong and weak points and to show some first innovative applications and results using the new sequencing power.

News about vitamin D’ficiency

“Normal vitamin D status despite of abundant sun exposure” would have been my title for a study in the JCEM this month. The authors, however, have choosen a different title: Continue reading News about vitamin D’ficiency

Can we meet on next Tuesday at 2 pm?

Answering this question always takes me 30 seconds – looking for my mobile and doing some pen strokes OR starting Outlook on the laptop and clicking to the desired week (BTW Sunbird is still in version 0.5). Finally I found a solution that gives me a chance for a response within 3 seconds. Continue reading Can we meet on next Tuesday at 2 pm?

Allergy – everything from fullerenes to cannabis

Allergy research continues to be one of the most active research fields. New studies show that that fullerenes may inhibit the allergic response

Human MC and peripheral blood basophils exhibited a significant inhibition of IgE dependent mediator release when preincubated with C60 fullerenes.

Continue reading Allergy – everything from fullerenes to cannabis

Wer heilt hat recht

This is a German quote – frequently used in the context of alternative medicine – “who heals is right”.

The history of the qutotation is unclear; maybe it is a modification of the Latin “extra ecclesiam salus non est” .

In todays English “the doctor’s always right” (or “might is right”?)

Anyway it is utter nonsense as (1) a healer wants to be successful and not rightful (2) healing (at least on a few occasions) is no proof for the right treatment only fo the good outcome.