Category Archives: Software

Change location

Here is another tech tip to overcome a frequent task – resetting printers and mailers when moving a Macbook around the world: Location X is a perfect solution with a built in autolocate function (depending on airport network! which is superior to IP detection)

Unfortunately Continue reading Change location

Tear Down the Walls

What happens when looking at that video?

The neuroanatomy view this week in Nature

we predict[…] a macroscopic signal visible to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in humans. We then looked for this signal as participants explored a virtual reality environment, mimicking the rats’ foraging task: fMRI activation and adaptation showing a speed-modulated six-fold rotational symmetry in running direction. The signal was found in a network of entorhinal/subicular, posterior and medial parietal, lateral temporal and medial prefrontal areas. Continue reading Tear Down the Walls

Human language, DNA language?

A new paper in PLoS ONE argues that human languages may adapt like biological organisms. By doing a large-scale analysis of over 2,000 of the world’s languages the authors find striking relationships between the demographic properties of a language—such as its population and global spread—and the grammatical complexity of those languages. Languages with the most speakers (like English) were found to have far simpler grammars than languages spoken by few people and in circumscribed regions. This reminds me to bottlenecks in population history (and founder effects for certain DNA variants) while the authors describe this phenomenon as “Linguistic Niche”. A Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium of declension types?

PLINK: Bug or feature?

I am struggling now for 4 weeks with some unusual behaviour in PLINK that gives me different results with a trait of the alternate phenotype files either by calling that trait directly

plink –file mydata –tdt –pheno pheno2.txt –mpheno 1

or from a loop over all traits

plink –file mydata –tdt –pheno pheno2.txt –all-pheno

It seems that I am working with different numbers at both occasions – click to enlarge the log Continue reading PLINK: Bug or feature?

WordPress 2.9.1 hangs with several standard plugins

It took me some time to figure out that the most recent update produced several problems – either the blog is unreachable or some pages like “edit post” do not work anymore. In my setup this concerns the following plugins here Continue reading WordPress 2.9.1 hangs with several standard plugins

SQLite and a graphical ER diagrammer for OS X

I am looking for some time for a MS-Acess like graphical interface addressing my large SQLite databases. Having tried out now more than dozen different packages, I found only one that fills my needs and even that only by 80% – RazorSQL.
Writing complex SQL queries is possible hwith an “autocomplete” function Continue reading SQLite and a graphical ER diagrammer for OS X

The art of a clean Mac OS X desktop

I spent considerable time this week as my MBA showed major quirks – the finder’s trashcan did not respond, clicking on the finder in the dock suddenly opened a second icon, while the finder crashed frequently. Running harddisk maintenance, correcting access rights, deleting several plists, experimenting with safe mode, even deleting PRAM and NVRAM – nothing helped until Continue reading The art of a clean Mac OS X desktop

How to speed up online banking with a billing “tweed”

It would be nice to have billing details somewhere online while just typing in some Amadeus like 6 digit code to move the data into the online banking page. This not so much a security issue as such a billing tweed should vanish after 4 weeks Continue reading How to speed up online banking with a billing “tweed”

First major publisher releases article metrics

From a press release

Today, the open-access publisher the Public Library of Science (PLoS;, announces the release of an expanded set of article-level metrics Continue reading First major publisher releases article metrics